准备好看看丹佛州立大学能为你做些什么了? 皇冠官网网站会帮你的.
提示: F-1签证学生s have an earlier document Submission Deadline, 访问国际招生页面了解更多信息.
We suggest that you get your transcripts in as early as possible in order to ensure a timely review and get into the classes that you want. 未提交正式成绩单会影响你的课程选择. 如果你正在上课, you can send an 官方 transcript for previous semesters and send an updated transcript upon completion.
All hard copies of transcripts must be in an 官方 sealed envelope from the missing school, 机构或机构. Electronic transcripts can only be delivered by 发行机构. 转寄的成绩单将不被接受为正式成绩单.
If final 官方 documents are not received by the start of classes a 登记持有 will be placed on the student account.
To – (电子邮件保护)
许多学校以数字方式发送成绩单. Electronic transcripts can only be delivered by 发行机构. 转寄的成绩单将不被接受为正式成绩单.
Cont行为 your High School Counselor Directly For Your Schools Process.
去 www.格.com - 不订购普通教育文凭. 颁发机构可以通过电子邮件发送GED成绩单
To – (电子邮件保护)
Electronic transcripts can only be delivered by 发行机构. 转寄的成绩单将不被接受为正式成绩单.
托福(iBT / PBT):
An 官方 score must be sent directly from TOEFL Services; You must login to your ETS account and choose to send your results to “丹佛大都会州立大学” – 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 机构代码 is 4505.
An 官方 score must be sent directly from the Duolingo English Test service. 搜索 for “丹佛大都会州立大学” to submit your scores.
You must submit a copy of your IELTS result with your TRF number. We can directly verify your test results via IELTS Results Service.
You must submit a copy of your PTE Academic result with your Score Report Code. We can directly verify your test results via Pearson’s results portal.
You must login to your Candidate Results Portal and choose to send us your results. 搜索 for “丹佛大都会州立大学” to submit your scores.
www.行为.组织; 使用 密歇根州立大学丹佛 学校代码- 0519.
www.美国大学.组织; 使用 密歇根州立大学丹佛 学校代码- 4505.
欲知详情,请浏览 www.伊博语.org
参观 考试服务办公室转分班考试网站 然后把你的成绩提交给考试中心.
If your academic documents are issued in a non-English language, 你必须提交一份完整的, 文字, word-for-word translation in the same format as the original academic document.
Acceptable translators include your school 官方s, professional translators, or a local 美国教育中心办公室.
英文翻译文件必须加盖印章, 签名, 还有信笺头,以证明翻译的资格.
学术文献 不能 由学生或其家庭成员翻译.
We require your country-specific academic documents that show you completed the equivalent of a senior U.S. 高中学历. This can include documents 如 your high school transcripts, 地区或国家考试成绩, 和/或结业证书,注明毕业日期.
Official academic documents must be directly sent to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 from 发行机构, 比如你的高中, 考试委员会, 或者教育部办公室.
皇冠官网网站也可以接受学历证明文件 美国教育中心 作为官方. 的se documents must include the cover letter with the proper stamps and 签名 from the 美国教育中心 顾问.
We 不 require a credential evaluation for secondary level academic documents.
If you attended any post-secondary institutions outside of the U.S., you must order a professional credential evaluation for these academic documents.
该评估服务机构必须是该协会的成员 全国证书评估服务协会(NACES).
证书评估必须包括一个 course-by-course 评价与翻译.
被认为是官方的, we must receive the credential evaluation directly from the NACES evaluation service agency with which you contr行为ed.
Official documents must be sent directly to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 by 发行机构. 这些文件(和信封), 如果邮寄)必须包括所有适当的证明, 比如邮票, 签名, 海豹, 和/或旁注.
Official academic documents can be directly sent to us in one of the following formats:
1. 纸,硬拷贝,密封在信封里,邮寄出去 联邦快递、DHL、邮政等.)
Auraria Parkway 890号,180套房
丹佛,CO 80204
2. 电子、数码副本 可以发送到 (电子邮件保护). 的 文件必须从一个 专业的,可验证的电子邮件地址 发行机构.
** 皇冠官网网站将通过官方来源核实发件人的电子邮件地址. We will not accept documents from email addresses that 不能 be verified. 没有例外.
** Emails submitted from general email providers 不能 be accepted (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
International students: We must receive all 官方 documents before an admission decision can be made. 上面列出的文件是必需的
有关上述计划的详细资料,可浏览以下网页: http://ptyalize.faguooumengfushi.com/veterans/military-transfer-credit/
登录你的入学申请 登记并上传你的文件.
非正式成绩单将 不 用于官方转帐信用评估. You will need to request 官方成绩单 directly from the issuing school, 机构或机构.
如果你是 F-1签证学生,你需要提交入学的正式文件. 参观 国际招生页面 了解更多信息.