
提示:  F-1签证学生s have an earlier document Submission Deadline, 访问国际招生页面了解更多信息.


We suggest that you get your transcripts in as early as possible in order to ensure a timely review and get into the classes that you want. 未提交正式成绩单会影响你的课程选择. 如果你正在上课, you can send an 官方 transcript for previous semesters and send an updated transcript upon completion.



All hard copies of transcripts must be in an 官方 sealed envelope from the missing school, 机构或机构. Electronic transcripts can only be delivered by 发行机构. 转寄的成绩单将不被接受为正式成绩单.


If final 官方 documents are not received by the start of classes a 登记持有 will be placed on the student account.







International students: We must receive all 官方 documents before an admission decision can be made. 上面列出的文件是必需的



Have an electronic copy or a clearly readable photo of your 官方 DD214

提交 (电子邮件保护)


有官方 军事记录 可以转换成大学学分?

提交给之前的学习专家,布伦·舒勒在 (电子邮件保护) 


  1. 之前的学习 军事训练和经验:提交你的 官方 成绩单去 密歇根州立大学丹佛.
  • 空军:派你的官方 CCAF成绩单
  • 陆军,海岸警卫队,海军陆战队和海军寄你的正式联名 服务记录


  1. DD表格214 一般军事现役服务学分. 取决于其他因素, credit may be awarded for Oral Communication and a waiver applied for the Global Diversity requirement.
  • 通过电子邮件发送电子副本或清晰可读的照片 成员四份 将你的DD表格214 (电子邮件保护)
  • 仍在 现役? 命令是否生成一个已签名的 备忘记录 说出你的名字, 当前的等级, 开始服役日期, 以及海外工作地点, 部署, 或者包括开始和结束日期的海运服务.


有关上述计划的详细资料,可浏览以下网页: http://ptyalize.faguooumengfushi.com/veterans/military-transfer-credit/


登录你的入学申请 登记并上传你的文件.


非正式成绩单将 用于官方转帐信用评估. You will need to request 官方成绩单 directly from the issuing school, 机构或机构.

只有 官方成绩单 are used for 官方 transfer credit evaluations to determine how credits will transfer in to your 密歇根州立大学丹佛 student record. If you submit 官方 college transcripts and have 24 or more transferable credits, your high school or GED transcript requirement will be automatically waived. 如果你的可转换学分少于24个, 你还需要提交高中或GED成绩单.



如果你是 F-1签证学生,你需要提交入学的正式文件. 参观 国际招生页面 了解更多信息.


You may have been admitted to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 by uploading an un官方 copy of your transcripts or scores to your application account. An admissions decision can be made based on the information you reported on your application and un官方 documents when needed. 如果你被录取了, 出席前, you will need to request that your 官方成绩单 or GED scores (and 官方 test scores if applicable) be sent from your school or institution. 成绩单 should have a posted graduation date and final grades. Enrollment and financial aid can be imp行为ed if you 不 complete this step, 所以一定要提出要求. If you will graduate from your current institution before you begin at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, please wait to submit your transcripts until your final grades and graduation date have posted.
如果你是 F-1签证学生,你需要提交入学的正式文件. 参观 国际招生页面 了解更多信息.