The 饮料的学者 Certificate program provides an industry-relevant certificate of completion that demonstrates student completion of a broad range of appreciation, 生产, and service of beverage courses in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, 包括, 但不限于, 咖啡, 茶, 啤酒, 酒, 精神, 康普茶, 水, 烧酒, 为了, 苦艾酒, 苦味剂, 和更多的. Students engage in their awareness of beverage styles and service through the process of sensory analysis, evaluation of beverage taste components, and measures of quality. The common industries that value beverage certifications include bars, 餐厅, 卖酒的商店, 市场, 品尝的房间, 饮料生产商, 分销商, and education programs. The 饮料的学者 Certificate provides a strong foundation of beverage styles and service. It is the prerequisite program to the Bar, Tap, and Tasting Room Manager Certificate program, where students broaden their managerial skillset in the beverage industry.

The 酒店管理学院 has existing partnerships with beverage organizations that provide credentials available to students, 包括, The Society of Wine Educators, National Restaurant Association, 导游, Master Brewers Association, 和更多的. The world-class facilities at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, and the 酒店管理学院 include the 度餐厅 and Bar, Tivoli Brewery and Tap House, 饮料分析 Laboratory, 由希贝尔供电, the Springhill Suites Downtown, 感官分析实验室, Culinary Demonstration Theater, 食品实验室, Wine Cellar Laboratory, 飞行员啤酒厂, Fermentation Laboratory, and state of the art multi-media classrooms.


Required Courses (18 Credits):

BVG 3010 – Beers of the World – Credits: 3
BVG 3613 – Wine Fundamentals – Credits: 3
BVG 3685 – Spirits and Mixology – Credits: 3
BVG 4010 – Beer Styles and Service – Credits: 3
BVG 4613 – Wines of the Old World – Credits: 3
BVG 4623 – Wines of the New World – Credits: 3


A minimum passing grade of “C” is required for all courses within the certificate. All courses in the 饮料的学者 Certificate are required, with no additional electives.

